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Monday, August 23, 2010

Lifebouy Soap

Of all the senses, smell can bring back more memories than any of the others. Whenever I would go to my Grandpa’s farm from about age 4 until 10 or 11, the first smell as you entered the house was Lifebuoy Soap. The wash stand was just inside the back door. I just loved that smell! My mother, perhaps because of price (I think lifebuoy would have been a cent or more than the other brands) never had lifebuoy in our house. I was never cleaner than when I visited Grampa. I loved washing my face using this fantastic smelling soap. On arriving for one of my many lengthy stays, the first thing I would do (after hugging the dog) was check and sees which colour the soap was - white or red. Not having running water, you would wash in a basin with cold water from a large jug that sat beside the sink. If you wanted warm water, you would take it from the reservoir on the wood burning kitchen stove. Lifebuoy is still sold today, but they have cut down on the smell (or perhaps it does not have the same attraction to an adult) - BUT every time I go down a supermarket soap isle - and see the Lifebuoy label - I am back at Grandpa’s scrubbing behind my ears and smelling 'oh so nice'.

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