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Thursday, September 9, 2010

When Did I First Ride a Horse?

As you can see by the picture, I literally grew up with no fear of horses. Naturally the photo was posed, and I am sure someone was off to the side to catch me if and when I fell off. This particular horses name was Jim – yup plain ole Jim. Jim was a retired RCMP horse that was actually used in their line of work and not just for the famous RCMP Musical Ride I have memories of riding Jim on my own when I was 4 years old. I would go into the pasture with a cube of sugar and a halter, give Jim the sugar and then he would patiently wait until I buckled the halter. We would then go beside a wooden fence (so I could get on) and once aboard ride around, bareback and with just a halter. We rode around the farm yard and most often up the “mountain” and across the ‘river’ that I mentioned in an earlier blog. Jim, although very tolerant with me, had certain rules that I had to follow – and once taught I never forgot. The main rule was the proper way to mount a horse is on the left – NOT the right! I learned this rule, when I took him beside the fence on his right side, climbed up to the top board and he turned his head and nudged my leg enough for me to have to regain my balance, once more he nudged me – then finally he bit my leg. A horses jaw does not move – it is just a clamp – teeth onto teeth – and damn does it hurt! Since then, I have never, ever tried to mount a horse on the right hand side. As with many farmers of the 40s, most did not have the luxury of more than one riding horse (if that) and often you would ride work horses. Although Jim was a riding horse, he was also teamed with ‘Molly’ to do the heavy work. I have many stories where Jim and I both rode and worked together – although a few are somewhat scary they all are fantastic. I was so lucky.

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