The newest entry is always at the top of the page

To read in the order that the entries were posted


Saturday, July 3, 2010

About My Blog

I have been very fortunate to have lived during, what I think, is the greatest time in history. Where and when I grew up has contributed so much to my life and character (both good and bad). Growing up in a small farming community northwest of Edmonton Alberta has allowed me to experience life without electricity, indoor plumbing, and modern farm equipment. It has allowed me to experience attending a one room schoolhouse, having horses as the main form of transportation, and so many other things that are now part of history. From this extreme I am now experiencing the continued phenomenal growth of the computer and have reacted with joy, fear and sadness at world events during this span of 65 plus years. I could not have lived in a better time. I have experienced the turn of a century, and most importantly the music of the 50s, when it was first played.

These stories are of my early years, as I remember them. They are all true. Some will tell how different activities and chores where done during the 40s and early 50s. Many of them are my personal experiences. They are as I have remembered them; many happy, some sad, but all parts of my life that I would not change for any other time in history. I have been told that I am lucky to remember so much of my youth, compared to now - when asked ‘what did you have for lunch’, my usually reply is ‘I cannot remember’.

My main reason for putting these memories to paper, is for my children, grandchildren and their children to know and understand me better. My only fear is that some of the younger ones will try to emulate some of the ‘not so smart’ things that I did.

I realize now, that for a few years after WWII, my family was not very well off, but some of my stories would not have happened if my parents had been able to afford all the things available during my childhood.

These stories will not take any chronologic order, and I may skip from being age 4 to 15 and back to 4 again.


  1. Thanks for doing this, Dad.

  2. Your number one childJuly 13, 2010 at 10:57 AM

    Thanks for sharing your memories with us, Dad.

    Anything you want for your birthday besides the presence of your two favorite children. ;0

  3. Will enjoy past events through your eyes......... " the older sister "

  4. David,I have enjoyed your blog and plan to comtinue keeping up with it if it is ok with you. Thamks for giving me the privaledge of enjoying it.

  5. I think I finally can access you blog
