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Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Back of the Door.

One of my earliest memories is the back of a door. When I was about 3 or 4 my mother was able to purchase some land with a small one room home on it. With small additions over the years, this modest abode was my parent’s home for the rest of their lives. It was purported to be an old granary (a building that grain was stored in).

I remember a wood burning cook stove, a metal bed, (shared by my mother, older sister and me) a kitchen table, and the only door! The back of the door had coat hooks on it, and during the winter people would brave the below zero temperatures to come and sit around the table to play cards. Once they had all arrived the hooks on the door would be bulging with winter parkas. The more coats, the more crowded we would be.

As I was too little to play, I would watch them from the bed (no sleep as there was far too much noise). The usual game was called “pig”. The idea was to pass cards around the table as fast as you could and the person who ended up with three of the same card would stop passing and put their finger beside their nose. Most players would be so busy passing cards; they would not see as others (noticing the first) also stop passing and putting their fingers by their noses. The last to respond would get a letter. ‘P’ then ‘I’ then ‘G’. Once a player got all three letters PIG, they were out of the game. I can still hear the laughter and see people with joyful tears running down their faces.

Finally, the guests would leave and, except for our own coats, the back of the door would once again be normal – until next time!

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