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Monday, August 2, 2010

The Stranger Comes To Live With Us!

Our cook stove, which also was used to heat our small home, had a brick chimney with an opening under it that was about 5 feet from the floor. This area is where we would store the firewood. A chore shared by my sister and I, was to fill this with firewood every day. A strange man had just come to live with us (my father home from the army) and my first memory of him was a disagreement over whether I should help my sister bring in wood or not. I understand that it appeared I was not doing my ‘share’ of the chore, and this stranger told me to get busy and help her. My response, I am told (as I do not remember the words – but definitely remember the result) was ‘you do not tell me what to do MAN”. The next scene is vivid in my memory – of this ‘MAN’ chasing me across the back yard… a barbed wire fence ran across the back and I remember scrambling under the bottom wire of the fence - getting up running – thinking .. hah ‘that MAN will never catch me’. To this day I can still see, as I looked back the MAN at a full run, vaulting over the fence. Once caught it was ‘explained to me’ (in a way father’s of that era would) that he was indeed my FATHER, and that for the rest of my childhood, HE could and would tell me what to do.


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