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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Books of Knowledge

Although we, as a family were not very well off, my father was a reader. We were one of only a few, or perhaps the only family in town to have a set of ‘Books of Knowledge”. Our small home had bookcases built into pretty well any place that you could build something into. And on one prominent shelf were the set of “Books of Knowledge”. Being the studious child that I was, I actually remember using them (one time only) for a school report. I cannot remember what grade I was in, or what subject it was – but I was so proud of my report! Who else knew how the Eddy Match Company made matches? These books even had diagrams, a couple of which I traced and put into the report – wow I traced a picture of a match! I do not want to take away from anyone who may read this, but can you top that for ‘smarts’? The ‘Books of Knowledge’ are still available today, but with the world of computers, I am surprised that they are still able to survive. I do know that when I was growing up, they were a wealth of knowledge. So, why – did I not use them more? I think the answer may have been that I only ever had to do one report on the Eddy Match Company. You would think, I would remember what mark I received for my effort, but I guess it was not the top mark in the class – because that happened so seldom, I would have remembered. I had other great scholastic achievements that come to mind that do not involve the use of any books, and not much knowledge either. How is this one - I was the only one in class to get the right answer to the question, what towel is best to dry yourself with, a smooth or rough one. My arch rival (female – that could beat me up) got it wrong and (ahem) Davie got it right – Yippee!!! I remember this triumph almost every time we get new very, very rough towels! This question was on a test in Health, and part of the subject was having the teacher examine your hands and behind your ears to make sure you washed. This could be a very humiliating ordeal – makes you wonder how any of us ended up with any self respect or confidence, after being berated day after day for being dirty. Of course that female (the one who could beat me up) seems she washed – go figure! Another very vivid memory was the words of my ‘all time’ favourite teacher. I think I was in grade 8 or 9 – could not draw a straight line, but drew and painted a picture, which I was very proud of. Truly, I though I had done a great job. My “all time” favourite teacher pretty well put everything in perspective when he held my picture up in front of the class and said – the first thing that is wrong with this picture is it being signed ‘ARTIST, Davie’. Maybe I should have used the ‘Books of Knowledge’ and traced something!

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