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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween before Razor Blades

I cannot remember exactly how many houses there were in town, but on Halloween there were many that the kids considered ‘special’. I will not put names to the ‘makers’ of some of the fantastic treats – but I still remember who the ladies were that made many of these ‘oh so delicious goodies’. The popcorn balls, marshmallow creations, candied apples (with melted caramel), little bags of cookies, fudge – melt in your mouth fudge, and each maker with her special kind. We would run around in our home made costumes, or perhaps just a rubber mask (that would almost suffocate us) and as you past others - would shout, have you been to so and so’s place yet? How many cookies did she put in the bags this year? (Hurry – hurry, in case they will be all gone) A few people gave out store bought candy, which were gratefully received, but it was the ‘famous’ home made goodies that caused the furry. Some of us would try to change our appearance to go back for seconds, but alas – very seldom if ever did anyone succeed. Back to the masks – I am not sure what they were made of, but after having them over your face for two minutes you were completely covered in sweat – mix this with the often freezing temperatures on October 31st (Northern Alberta, remember) and it was not a very comfortable combination. After about 15 minutes, you would see kids with the mask just hanging around their neck – everyone knew who you were anyway! After hollering ‘tricks or treats’ something you dreaded to hear was “Sing us a song”. Then the real mean ones “Give us a little dance” (think I just described myself when the kids arrive at my door). A song I would serenade the treat giver with (wishing they had never asked, once hearing me) was “Abbadabbadabba Said the Monkey to the Chimp”. You will have to Google that one! All of this fun – without having to be escorted by an adult or worry about accepting any treats that are not wrapped, or worrying about someone being sadistic enough to put a razor blade in an apple – compare that to today - sad isn’t it? Once all the houses had been covered and you went home with the loot, it would depend on your age whether you would venture out again – to do or witness the odd prank. All at the time seeming harmless! In my next Blog you can be the judge.

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