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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Where did the Outhouse go?

Because I left home as soon as I turned 16 (Canadian Army) I did not participate in any Halloween pranks that you would consider real bad. But it was somewhat a bragging right to be called by name in school the morning after Halloween to go around and put up the outhouses that had been pushed over. Out house tipping was just something that was expected to happen on Halloween – well I am saying that from the outlook of a 15 year old! I only participated in this prank one Halloween – and to be truthful, it was no big deal, thrill wise. But – today, I can relate that I did indeed push over some outhouses. Wow – talk about someone lacking in ‘things he did in his life that he is proud of” hehe. I do not know if it ever happened, but there was the story of a home owner moving his outhouse back from the hole, and that someone going to push it over fell in – true or not , it is a good story, don’t you think? Or would it just be a shitty story! One of the stupidest tricks  I helped out with was pulled on a relatively newcomer to our town and our country. I am not sure what country he came from, but from what I understand; most countries did/do not celebrate the night as we do in North America. I am sure he must have wondered if Canada was indeed a better place to live. He had a very small house with only one door at the front. It was located just a few yards from a bulk oil station. In those days, most farmers would buy 45 gallon drums of gas for their farm vehicles so there were many empty drums available. We stacked these barrels in front of the door to the house (2 high and about 5 deep) making it impossible to get out of his house – seemed funny at the time, but considering the chances of fire, it was rather stupid. Otherwise, most kids in my age group would just sneak into yards, and take anything that was not nailed down – tools etc. and put them in someone else’s yard. I remember some of the older kids going out to some farms and doing damage, to the extent that the police were involved. I am glad that I left home when I did – and the oil drums were they only thing that I have to tell in my old age. Not counting the shot gun – but we didn’t even have a chance to do anything, so does that really count?

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